Category Archives: Curatorial
Defragmentation – Curating Contemporary Music
Defragmentation – Curating Contemporary Music is a research project aimed at enduringly establishing the debates currently ongoing in many disciplines on gender & diversity, decolonization and technological change in institutions of New Music, as well as discussing curatorial practices in this field. Supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the research is being jointly initiated […]
10 AMBITIONS by Lars Petter Hagen
1. Do projects that are urgent, where something valuable is at stake. If it’s not necessary, don’t do it. 2. Be relevant. The question of relevance is the question of musical quality. Good music is relevant, and the continuous discussion of the idea of quality in music is the core of a festivals activity. 3. […]
Pedalisten og romantikken i det reproduserende pianoet by Lars Petter Hagen
På begynnelsen av 1900-tallet, parallelt med utviklingen av grammofonplaten, ble det mekaniske pianoet utviklet. Tanken var enkel, demokratisk og kommersiell: folk skulle få musikk av høy kvalitet hjem i stua, uten selv å måtte stå for fremføringen. En vanvittig tanke på den tiden. Med det mekaniske pianoet kunne man lytte til de store komponisters verker […]
Meningsdannelse i Magne Hegdals musikk by Lars Petter Hagen
Meningsdannelse i Magne Hegdals musikk Med eksempel i “Form” for strykeorkester (2005) Kritikk Magne oppfordret meg til å være kritisk og det skal jeg forsøke å være, men det er ikke så lett. Magne er en udiskutabelt dyktig håndverker, han har masse erfaring, han er enormt kunnskapsrik og komposisjonene hans er svært gjennomarbeidet, strenge og […]
Gamle mestere by Lars Petter Hagen
Gamle mestere Ved et par anledninger har jeg skrevet musikk for symfoniorkester, og hver gang er det en overveldende opplevelse. Det handler vel om å være konfrontert med tradisjonens storhet, en følelse som plutselig blir veldig konkret når man står foran et orkester. Dagens symfoniorkesterformat er veldig knyttet til én periode – slutten av 1800-tallet […]
Morgenbladet topp 100 by Lars Petter Hagen
Mayhem: De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas er ansett som et av de mest innflytelsesrike Black Metal album som noensinne er laget. Grunnene er sannsynligvis flere; suggererende, kompleks rytmikk, gjennomtenkt form, grandiose klanger, intens vilje. Men det er liten tvil om at albumets historie også bidrar til mytologiseringen. Plata ble påbegynt allerede i […]
Comments on Clarence Barlows paper ‘Musical Innovation and the Changing Role of Studios and Festivals’ by Lars Petter Hagen
Warsaw 25.09.10 For me it is, in one way, quite simple: Musical innovation is dependent on change. Which means that accepting change as a permanent situation is therefore a necessity, for anyone dealing with contemporary music. To me, as a festival director and composer, the most interesting consequence of the technological development that Clarence Barlow […]
Passageways/Listening notes by Lars Petter Hagen
I listen to this music in a hotel room in Knoxville, Tennessee, on a walk in Central Park in New York in March, on a plane on the way to Paris at the beginning of April, and at my father’s desk at Easter 2017. It is music written by my friend Eivind Buene, music that […]
The poetics of resignation – Lars Petter Hagen in conversation with Eivind Buene
I have used the term ‘neo-folklorism’ about some of your works. After having been taboo since the 1970s folk music material and methods are increasingly evident in the music of younger composers. Folk music material is used today in quite a different way than before. Not so much as a celebration, but as a way […]
Ettertiden lengter hjem by Erling Sandmo
Melankoli for sentimentale ironikere. «Historikerens rolle er en annen nå enn før,» sa den franske antikkhistorikeren François Hartog på et foredrag i Oslo for et par år siden, med et blidt sukk. «Fortiden synes å være ferdig utforsket, og i dag er historikeren redusert til å være sidekommentator til den kollektive erindring. Historikeren er ikke […]
Posthume Pasjoner by Eivind buene
Om Lars Petter Hagens fortvilelse Enhver tradisjon vil, når den blir gammel nok (kanskje allerede idet den blir «tradisjon») begynne å fetisjere sin egen fortid. I populærmusikken er denne prosessen godt i gang, noe ikke minst pop-teoretikeren Simon Reynolds beskriver på potent vis i boken Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction to Its Own Past. Om vi […]
Verdoppelte Emfpindsamkeit? by Emil Bernhardt
Perspektiven einer Gefühlsästhetik in der Musik von Lars Petter Hagen Die Kategorie des Gefühls ist in der musikalischen Analyse ein durchaus schwieriger Begriff. In unserem Verhältnis zur Musik – wie bei ästhetischen Erscheinungen überhaupt – spielen Gefühle aber eine recht zentrale Rolle. Dennoch ist die Kategorie des Fühlens unter anderem deshalb analytisch schwer zu behandeln, […]
Auferstanden aus Ruinen by Björn Gottstein
Norske Arkiver (2005) Kunstnerens fortvilelse foran de antikke fragmenters storhet (2010) Tveitt-fragmenter (2006) Sørgemarsj over Edvard Grieg (2007) To Zeitblom (2011) Some years ago I was organizing a radio talk. The talk was to be about the idea of the music studio in its broadest possible scope: from Lee Scratch Perry to IRCAM so to […]
Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival 2017
An Open Ending Rituals are often defined as actions which have symbolic significance, and which are repeated in a particular, predictable manner. They can be connected to important transitional moments in people’s lives, or practices linked to social upheavals. After leading Ultima through eight editions, it feels natural to finish with a programme which revolves […]
Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival 2016
A Call to Listen The Austrian poet Stefan Zweig lived his life in a period of high political tension in Europe. Nevertheless, he was unshakable in his belief in a European project, individual- ism and how art and culture have a crucial meaning for how we see each other and our own selves, and how […]
As an international platform for knowledge transfer, Forecast offers pioneers from anywhere in the world working in various disciplines the chance to work with accomplished mentors toward bringing their projects to fruition, and to present them to the public. For each edition, Forecast selects six mentors of various disciplines who offer interested participants their expertise […]
SPOR Festival for Contemporary Music and Sound Art
SPOR Festival for Contemporary Music and Sound Art Guest Curator Programme notes LISTENOUTLOUDNEIGHBOUR! SPOR 2012: SPEAK UP is the title of this year’s festival – an art-musical examination of folk culture that cuts across time, genres and national borders. Be part of it when music goes into a clinch with the distinctive sounds of folk […]
Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival 2015
Nature and Human Beings Music is closely related to the natural sciences, both in the way it’s conceived and perceived. Ever since the Stone Age, physics, psychology, astronomy and biology have inspired humans to create music, just as they do today. Whether it’s technological inventions that enable us to explore acoustic principles, psycho-acoustic research, the […]
Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival 2014 / Nordic Music Days
The nation: Who do you think you are? Norwegian music history follows the development of Norway as a nation. In his book Med spark i gulvet og quinter i bassen, Harald Herresthal describes how music was used as a national and political tool in the years between 1770 and 1870. Music, art, and language were […]